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Liberator - First 3D Printable Gun
Other > Physibles
2.02 MB

liberator gun printable 3d

May 7, 2013


If you have a 3D Printer you'll be able to make your own gun!


moved to physibles
The Defense Distributed "Liberator" .380 single shot pistol is a fully 3D-printable firearm.

In abject violation of the Second Amendment, American lawmakers have for decades willfully, intentionally, and traitorously violated their Oaths of Office. In particular, they have destroyed the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, which reads:

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

The Militia is not the National Guard. As is clear from any knowledge of history, the Militia is any able-bodied citizen.

The intent of the Second Amendment is not to protect hunting nor self-defense. It is to empower the governed to overthrow the government should it become tyrannical.

There is no question as to this intent, and any argument to the contrary betrays only a shocking ignorance on the part of the person making the argument.

Over the course of the 20th Century, successive generations of would-be tyrants masquerading as Congressmen, Senators, Presidents, and Judges have sought to pull the teeth of the Second Amendment. Today, in abject violation of it, the United States has over 20,000 victim disarmament laws.

We can no longer defend ourselves: neither from tyrants in government, nor terrorists, nor street thugs.

This is about to change.

The Liberator is the first 3D-printable gun. You may freely download these plans and print your own. You will have available to you a gun capable of firing a .380 caliber bullet.

And no one -- not your next door neighbor, nor your mayor, nor your Congressman -- will know that you have it.

This is the first in what will become an avalanche of undetectable, untraceable, easy-to-manufacture weapons that will turn the tables on evil-doers the world over.

Share and enjoy.

"We can no longer defend ourselves: neither from tyrants in government, nor terrorists, nor street thugs. This is about to change."

Sooooo, you plan on staving off the most powerful military in the history of the world with a single-shot plastic handgun?

You may want to reconsider. Just sayin'
@183934 This is only the beginning.
Iraq and Afghanistan did not lose any war against the "most powerful army in history", United States. Ask them...
The idea is that with a Liberator- you shoot the jack booted thug in the back of the head with one shot- then you have a free firearm, boots, uniform, communications gear and maybe even a free backpack.

nogoodnamesleft, you win the InternetZ for 5-10-2013! Simply marvelous!
Freedom, fuck yeah!
Government says no!
cant open the files.... says invalid for use as the following Certificate Trust List.
I don't have a printer, but I'll seed this just because someone else says I can't.

But as a side question, anyone else thrown off just a bit by the infographic in Asian lettering?
Gentlemen, please research your history if you think this would not be useful in countering a police state and in fighting against an occupying military.
What do you mean maybe, nogoodnamesleft?
I ain't shooting anyone in the head unless I get a free backpack.
@icgold really ? maybe this isn't a good idea if you can't even figure out how to use the files . have fun shooting your eye out .
What about the website contents before it was taken down by the DoD?
I have never written a comment ever on PB, in the many many many years I have used it. This will be the first time I've done so.

Thank you for this. Saw on the news that Obama was trying to pull this from the internet, and I immediately went here. Thank you PB.
If you're having trouble loading it into Creo:

Creo doesn't support parenthesis or spaces in file names. Rename them and it will show up.
*downloading a car joke*
Ah, Murrrrrica. If I lived in ye, I would be more worried bout gun totin' nutjobs than the government.

Unless your 2nd amendment allows citizens to have bombs and missiles, do you REALLY think you are going to overthrow the gov'mint?

FYI it's not the 18th century. This world needs less guns and bombs not more.
An actual gun would be not only preferable to this, but also cheaper, safer and easier to come by. 3D printers will predominantly be used to produce soft silicone, non-talking females.
Make love, not war.
Well, When I'm gonna download a prototype of Paris Hilton? I eagerly wanna fuck her. ;)

Actually, I created a hooking nail in CAD & someone (who had 3-D printer) said it works. So, I guess I can proceed there. And, i read someone said "it's just a beginning", well i'll say no a more than beginning (one step further) coz MIT is working on 4-D Printer. So get ready for more "WTF" Physibles. LOLz
Direct Links ^.^
In what way is this a gun?

Get real people.
What's so hard to understand about this? It's the first step of a developing technology. It's not going to be Star Trek right off the bat. Derp.
If their goal was to limit distribution of this then they failed! JUST because the government doesn't want you to have this means that it will reach 1000x as many people as it would have otherwise reached.
This is only a 2.02MiB torrent and it's seeded 2319 times? Paranoid right wing nut jobs. Starve your brain of oxygen by listening to Alex Jones and Rush Limbaugh. This thing is made of plastic. Do you really think it's going to fire more then a couple time without breaking. You all must really believe cops are going to come door to door and take all of your guns like my deranged father. You all are living in a delusion and it sad. My father screams at the news and spent his retirement money buying guns, ammunition, food, and a bunker because he listens to the preachers that are Alex Jones and Rush Limbaugh all for what. To sit around depressed thinking the whole world is ending and the government has bugged his phone because he is a "patriot" supposedly. Guns in America cause far more harm then they do protecting people. These little zip guns/plastic guns aren't going to protect you from your "tyrannical government" all it does it make you feel a little safer and reenforce your delusions.I feel sad for all the lonely people who sit around there computer all day and believes the hate and conspiracy theories. Wake up. Life is beautiful. Live life. Enjoy it while you can. Don't make yourself miserable. See all the beauty in the world.
Hey faggot, how about you address the actual subject instead of just venting all your canned up emo angst.

In case you hadn't noticed, 1st world governments all over the world have decided over the past few decades that today's massively unethical police are the only people who should be allowed to carry weapons. At the heart of this matter is this home-manufactured weapon, which proves wrong the idea that national registries and permit restrictions can leave the common citizens entirely disarmed. However flimsy the weapon might be (the technology is rapidly advancing over time) it still completely disproves the assertion that we won't have any firearms after the last remaining countries force the gun shops to close and seize all officially registered weapons.

The entire idea is that with NO suitable weapons at our disposal - the way people like you would advocate leaving us - any small group of pencil neck geeks with revolvers at their hips could easily take whatever they want whenever they want from an entire neighborhood. I'm not sure where the hell you live that the government is still on the same side as the governed, but I would certainly like to live there if it truly exists.
Hey faggot, how about you address the actual subject instead of just venting all your canned up emo angst.

In case you hadn't noticed, 1st world governments all over the world have decided over the past few decades that today's massively unethical police are the only people who should be allowed to carry weapons. At the heart of this matter is this home-manufactured weapon, which proves wrong the idea that national registries and permit restrictions can leave the common citizens entirely disarmed. However flimsy the weapon might be (the technology is rapidly advancing over time) it still completely disproves the assertion that we won't have any firearms after the last remaining countries force the gun shops to close and seize all officially registered weapons.

The entire idea is that with NO suitable weapons at our disposal - the way people like you would advocate leaving us - any small group of pencil neck geeks with revolvers at their hips could easily take whatever they want whenever they want from an entire neighborhood. I'm not sure where the hell you live that the government is still on the same side as the governed, but I would certainly like to live there if it truly exists.
Hey faggot, how about you address the actual subject instead of just venting all your canned up emo angst. The US Department of Defense was trying to censor this, and it went full Streisand Effect as a result.

In case you hadn't noticed, 1st world governments all over the world have decided over the past few decades that today's massively unethical police are the only people who should be allowed to carry weapons. At the heart of this matter is this home-manufactured weapon, which proves wrong the idea that national registries and permit restrictions can leave the common citizens entirely disarmed. However flimsy the weapon might be (the technology is rapidly advancing over time) it still completely disproves the assertion that we won't have any firearms after the last remaining countries force the gun shops to close and seize all officially registered weapons.

The entire idea is that with NO suitable weapons at our disposal - the way people like you would advocate leaving us - any small group of pencil neck geeks with revolvers at their hips could easily take whatever they want whenever they want from an entire neighborhood. I'm not sure where the hell you live that the government is still on the same side as the governed, but I would certainly like to live there if it truly exists.
@sarabear1, while i think you're right, you've missed one point. the nutjobs buying up shit for their bunkers as they plan for the impending apocalypse/civil war/high school prom/whatever are helping the economy recover! all the goofy fucks who want to try one of these will buy a USD$1500 printer and a box of .38 ammo? awesome. stupid purchases help the economy!
sarabear1, I'm sorry to hear that your dad is like that. But think it this way, when one day, some of those delusional and selfish nutjobs snapped, and decided to start their revolution, shooting from the back of their trailers, screaming "THE SOUTH WILL RISE", robbing their neighbors along the way, you cannot rely on the police or the military to fend for you. it is not always beautiful and sunny in the world. there are bad people in the world, evil people that can do horrible things, and you need to be able to protect yourself.
now, this little plastic one-time-use gun is not really going to do anything except maybe for slipping it through security. but even if you are all against guns, at least get a real pistol, learn how to use it, and practice often, so that you will not be totally overpowered when the need arises.
in a perfect world, we won't need this kind of stuff, but this world is far from perfect. getting and learning how to use a gun is just like learning how to do CPR, how to swim, and how to apply first aid. it is just one of the skills that is nice to have and could save your life or the life of your loved ones one day.
I went through all the trouble of registering just to point out how insecure the conservatives are with most of their arguments. You should only have to say something once to get your point across. Cool gun though; if I had 2 grand to spend on a printer and make this weapon fully automatic I'd test it on ninjinto2 down there. I'm a liberal, I voted for Obama and I fully support the second amendment. :)
Will this work with a ps2?
It is undeniable that always guns were the safe-keeper of liberty. You can't be free when the State has the monopoly on guns. Guns are the basic requirement for peace and freedom. It is sad to see so many left wing idiots reiterating the statist cliches and dogmas and trying to entrap the people into the totalitarian regimes of their progressive idols like Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot etc. Left wingers are today's most idiotic dogs the system has to scare the people and to keep us down and obedient. Guns are freedom, Internet is freedom and left wing fags belong to history. Socialism cannot work. Socialism means nothing except for misery, starvation, underdevelopment, hunger and chaos. Capitalism is freedom. Get a real education.
Although 99.99% of us have no way as of yet to print anything, what we are doing by downloading this very important torrent is declaring to the New World Order that the tide is turning. We the people of this planet are taking back the power. Next will come their arrests.
Power to the people !!!
Ahhhh I love the smell of freedom.

To you hypocrites that use the Pirate Bay to get free movies and video games, then disparage those who use it to spread firearms, let me tell you a story...

There once was a guy from the internet
Who thought that Obama was a good bet
He didn't condone
Bush killing children with drones
But with Obama it really made him wet.
I think you totally missed the point we are trying to make by seeding this torrent mate..
Seeding to help spread the message that the government cannot arbitrarily kill an idea. They cannot control our lives. The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
i know! when i can't see that i'm converting others to my anti-government paranoia, i'll cut-and-paste my same post over and over again like a broken record.
The Founding Fathers on the Second Amendment

"I ask, Sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people. To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them."
George Mason
Co-author of the Second Amendment
during Virginia's Convention to Ratify the Constitution, 1788

"A militia, when properly formed, are in fact the people themselves …"
Richard Henry Lee
writing in Letters from the Federal Farmer to the Republic, Letter XVIII, May, 1788.

"The people are not to be disarmed of their weapons. They are left in full posession of them."
Zachariah Johnson
Elliot's Debates, vol. 3 "The Debates in the Several State Conventions on the Adoption of the Federal Constitution."

"… the people are confirmed by the next article in their right to keep and bear their private arms"
Philadelphia Federal Gazette
June 18, 1789, Pg. 2, Col. 2
Article on the Bill of Rights

"And that the said Constitution be never construed to authorize Congress to infringe the just liberty of the Press, or the rights of Conscience; or to prevent the people of the United States, who are peaceable citizens, from keeping their own arms; …"
Samuel Adams
quoted in the Philadelphia Independent Gazetteer, August 20, 1789, "Propositions submitted to the Convention of this State"

The Founding Fathers on Arms

"Firearms stand next in importance to the constitution itself. They are the American people's liberty teeth and keystone under independence … from the hour the Pilgrims landed to the present day, events, occurences and tendencies prove that to ensure peace security and happiness, the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable … the very atmosphere of firearms anywhere restrains evil interference — they deserve a place of honor with all that's good."
George Washington
First President of the United States

"The supposed quietude of a good man allures the ruffian; while on the other hand arms, like laws, discourage and keep the invader and plunderer in awe, and preserve order in the world as property. The same balance would be preserved were all the world destitute of arms, for all would be alike; but since some will not, others dare not lay them aside … Horrid mischief would ensue were the law-abiding deprived of the use of them."
Thomas Paine

"To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them."
Richard Henry Lee
American Statesman, 1788

"The great object is that every man be armed." and "Everyone who is able may have a gun."
Patrick Henry
American Patriot

"Are we at last brought to such humiliating and debasing degradation, that we cannot be trusted with arms for our defense? Where is the difference between having our arms in possession and under our direction and having them under the management of Congress? If our defense be the real object of having those arms, in whose hands can they be trusted with more propriety, or equal safety to us, as in our own hands?"
Patrick Henry
American Patriot

"Those who hammer their guns into plowshares will plow for those who do not."
Thomas Jefferson
Third President of the United States

"The constitutions of most of our States assert that all power is inherent in the people; that … it is their right and duty to be at all times armed; … "
Thomas Jefferson
letter to Justice John Cartwright, June 5, 1824. ME 16:45.

"The best we can help for concerning the people at large is that they be properly armed."
Alexander Hamilton
The Federalist Papers at 184-8
Guns only purpose is to kill.What ur doing is handing out options to nutjobs who cant get a gun licence or cant borrow their Moms revolver. They can print their own gun and visit their local kindy for some halo3 style target practice.
I bet they didnt have any nutjobs shooting up the local kindys or cinemas in 1824. Maybe with those statements above we should be thinking,
"well my 4 year old has a right to bear arms! here's your packed lunch, your sun hat sunglasses, and your favourite barbie hand gun."

" Now remmember sweetie only shoot any nutjobs who come in and start cutting up your friends." No killing your teachers otherwise I'll have to give you time out!
"Ah, Murrrrrica. If I lived in ye, I would be more worried bout gun totin' nutjobs than the government."

As if there was a difference...
"Guns only purpose is to kill.What ur doing is handing out options to nutjobs who cant get a gun licence or cant borrow their Moms revolver. They can print their own gun and visit their local kindy for some halo3 style target practice."

LOL. And in that situation, with an armed nut coming after you, the first thing you would do is call the government and beg them to send men armed with guns to protect you.

You're not fooling anyone with you B.S.
This "gun" is a piece of shit. But, a gun only has to fire ONCE to be deadly.
Will a HP 1000 inkjet printer work to print the gun? I want to get rid of a teacher....
LOL American paranoia. go on youtube and type in John Oliver and gun control it's hilarious.
I want to blow some mod´s head if they have any left ;)
LOL @ all the Big Government nutters who are paranoid about people having plastic guns.

Ha ha ha!
White house meet the streisand effect!! Post this everywhere!!
I downloaded that in literally 1 second
People must realise how their governments and corporations are inherently corrupt and putrid. We must defend ourselves, for any real people's attempt to debunk the political and economical hierarchy that bounds us to this misery will be answered with more and more statist brutality, backed up by the bourgeois.
However this weapon won't help much.
Did you know the in America guns take more innocent lives then they save.
YouTube search John Oliver Gun Control. Hilarious.
Did you know that in America guns take more innocent lives then they save?
yeah as soon as i heard they didn't want this up, I knew everyone need'd to keep at least one copy

if they think there going to censor anything there going to be fucked and cause the complete opposite to happen.

make's me almost think this is how they wanted it to go down considering that it was pretty obv that this was going to happen
How the hell do I open these files?
this is so sick
@vinivitesmw456 "people must realise that governments and corporations are inherently corrupt and putrid."

No, you are very dumb. In America corporations are so rich and (KEY) UNREGULATED, that they can influence government policy, because their actions affect the whole national economy. Also the fact that the President's who run for office have to have lots of money to fund their campaign, which means that most president's will be corporation friendly because they probably own a few and all their friends do. For example George Bush lowered taxes for all his oil baron friends in Texas.

OR they owe getting into office to rich people funding their campaign, and as a result they will be friendly to them if they get into office. (eg, tax breaks, change government policy to aid them)

Also corporations can set up lobby groups to change government policy in any way, in the same way for example as the American Israel Lobby (includes neo-cons, AIPAC etc) which made the the invasion of Iraq happen. (I am not implying that they were the sole factor, merely that the invasion would not have happened without them.)

I am not being Anti-semitic by the way. I support Israel.
Therefore, government is not inherently corrupt, but rather the American Political system is just heavily biased, in that it keeps power in the hands of the rich, or at least ensures that their interests are favoured.

Ironically, if I remember correctly, all people are equal under the bill of rights yet politically it seems that this is not the case.

Congrats people! We are now able to download a gun.
This will certainly be an indicator as to how much more quickly the digital world can move comparatively to a government's ability to keep up in creating bills and laws to prevent it. Regardless of the debate on 'Right or Wrong', governments will simply not be able to prevent this.

Now, where's that 'Hot Girlfriend' 3D CAD torrent??? :P
This POS is incredibly dangerous, both the the person being murdered and to the murderer. It is NOT capable of withstanding the pressure and heat of a discharge and has a high likely of failing during a discharge that can send shards of plastic in all directions.
It is wrong how in countries with successful gun control we will now pay the price because weapons like this can simply be printed. The second amendment is only relevant to America. Now criminals in my SAFE country can use one of these guns. It's just plain wrong.

There must be a solution or else people in safe or relatively safe many countries will be unsafe because of Def Cad. I support what he is doing, but only for in America, in other countries it is just not relevant.
I don't support what Def Cad is doing in America. It means people who fail background checks can still get a gun.
actually the kitchen in 1st/2nd/3rd/lost countries's household is full of archaic weapons.... sharp bread knifes, maybe a noodle roll, but with the knife people can also carve bow and arrows. Lterally everything can be turned into a weapon, even a blanket and a stone (David killed Goliath with such kind of sling weapon). Finally.... self defense in 21st century works with an undetectable gun :-) So fuk off with weapon licenses. It's on torrent so it exists, DL takes 1 minute. Would be another challenge to print a bullet as well :-) Do I now need a gun license for a 3D printer?
Okay, that's it. You gone damn done and made me comment on a torrent.

Dear Americans (and other countries with Second Amendment type bullshit),

Down here in Australia, we have this pretty sweet system in which anyone can buy guns! (I know right, it's pretty sweet). Now I say 'anyone' with a grain of salt.

You see, in order to get a gun in a backward, "lefty", "green", "socialist" country like ours, a person who wants to own a firearm of any sort jumps through a few hoops so that we know they aren't batshit insane, ex-criminals, or might go and shoot out a primary school! This includes psychological evaluation, gun safety training and the like. They also have to have to provide a 'Genuine Reason' they want a gun, whether that be hunting, collecting etc. Any sane person can jump these hoops, as long as they can be bothered putting in the time and effort.

Afterwards, that person gets a Firearms License! They can then buy a personal selection of guns, up to a certain number and degree of danger.

We still have gun stores. We still have gun ranges. You can still protect your family personally, if you feel it's necessary. Most people don't bother, because our police are trained to protect us, and if there was anything particularly dangerous happening, they can help us most effectively if we aren't pulling out our guns to help. In my 21 years in this country, I've seen maybe one citizen with a gun, and it was holstered. No gun violence, no shootouts, nothing. And guess what? The government haven't come to quash our freedoms. Last I checked, no paramilitary troops have kicked down my door to demand I kneel to their every evil whim.

Was this gun control behaviour a long-held byproduct of our old culture? No! After the Port Arthur massacre in 1996, we as a gun-toting country decided that we weren't going to let another 35 people die at the hands of some lunatic with a weapon.

Guns aren't freedom, anymore than guns are evil. Guns are dangerous weapons, and should be treated so. You want one? Prove you're responsible with one.

That said, I agree with TPB's policy on free information, so as far as the 3D printed guns go, it would be against my morals to argue against them being here. I really don't like the fact it exists, but it seems inevitable. This rant was more to do with the reasons they should be available, I guess.
has anyone tryed to make and fire this ?
Teh_Frm4terer- That was beautiful.

The second amendment is was not created so that any old skip can go and buy himself a gun when his girlfriend gets too annoying. It was created because America had no police or military to defend them from inside and outside forces. Americans NEEDED to own weapons in those days and it was made a right. Nobody is restricting you or your second amendment when they say that you will need to "jump through a few hoops" when you want a gun. Unless you're crazy. If all the crazies had a convenient little birthmark that could be checked for, that would make things easier.

Today the only way to know that you are responsible is to inconvenience everyone who wants a gun. It will likely always be that way. You don't need a gun right now, and if you were responsible with a a gun, you wouldn't be worried about the regulations, because you know you would pass them.

You also don't need an AK-47 knockoff for any reason other than ten armed men coming into your home to kill you. If you have pissed off ten armed men who are not afraid to kill you in the first place, you are likely not sane (or smart) enough to own a gun at all. Submachine guns are not for the public because they are designed to kill as many people as possible in the shortest period of time. Do you need to do that? Does anyone with sane intent need to do that? Does crazy old Mr. Mcgurk need to do that on a school bus? No, no, and no.

Guns can kill people and guns can save people. Often at the same time. Why make the guns themselves more important than the lives they were meant to save?